Land Grabbing: Appeals are not Working. |
Since the 2011 World Social Forum in Dakar, Senegal, petitions, letters, protests and denunciations had multiplied. Yet, the impact of Land Grabbing continues quietly (Here will be the link to the PP on Land Grabbing you have already received). Would it mean that the strategy was mistaken? Dakar’s Appeal, required to the Regional Unions of States, to the FAO, to the national and international institutions that they put into practice the decisions of the 2006 International Conference for the Agrarian reform and the Rural Development (CIRADR). Dakar’s Appeal required to the Regional Unions of States, to the FAO, to the national and international institutions that they put into practice the decisions of the 2006 International Conference for the Agrarian reform and the Rural Development (CIRADR). Namely: 1. The enforcement of the land’s laws protecting the users. 2. Re-launching the processes of agrarian reforms based on a fair access to natural resources and rural development for the well-being of all. 3. The strengthening of the Directives of the FAO on this issue. These strategies, coordinated between the Civil society (primarily the NGOs) present in the international bodies -UN, FAO, European parliament, African Union- and basic organizations on the ground, are needed (PowerPoint on JPIC office of the NAP). Otherwise, we’ll arrive at the World Social Forum in Tunis, with the same problem, with the same shouts of protest, with the same feeling of frustration…, the same empty and useless results… For the complete article, click … |
No one chooses to be a refugee. |
Every minute eight people leave everything behind to escape war, persecution or terror. If conflict threatened your family, what would you do? Stay and risk your lives? Or try to flee, and risk kidnap, rape or torture? For many refugees the choice is between the horrific or something worse. UNHCR (United Nation High Committee for Refugees) helps those who are forced to flee to find safety, regain hope and rebuild their lives. So, why would UNHCR force refugees to go back from where they came and risk what they have been trying to avoid? Please help to pressure UNHCR into reconsidering its recommendation that states “Invoke the Cessation Clause for Rwandan refugees who fled between 1959 and 1998.” Such action would put many at risk at a time when the fundamental, durable and positive changes required to invoke the Cessation Clause have not yet been achieved. The petition is really important and it used just to help. |