Call of G7/G8 Civil Society Organizations to their Governments on the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa
More than two years after the launch of the G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, what we have seen of its ‘progress’ does not change our assessment that the New Alliance actually undermines food security, nutrition and the progressive realization of the right to food in Africa. First on-the-ground research suggests a dramatic gap between development rhetoric and impacts. There is no sign that the New Alliance is lifting African people out of poverty[1], but the promise to “unleash the power of the private sector” [2] is very visibly being fulfilled. Although the New Alliance rhetorically refers to the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP), we clearly see that the processes and components of CAADP targeted to the benefits small-scale food producers are sidelined.
When the New Alliance was inaugurated in the US in Camp David in 2012, it immediately became obvious that this initiative essentially served to enable private corporations to influence agricultural policy to advance their own interests. It is pressuring African governments to adopt domestic policy reforms that will facilitate large corporations’ investments in agriculture and discriminate against those who actually make the bulk of the investments, namely small-scale producers themselves.
Such profound legislative and policy changes threaten small-scale farmers control over land and seeds, marginalize local markets and cause loss of biodiversity and soil fertility, to the detriment of the livelihoods of local communities. They will exacerbate future climate and economic shocks for small-scale farmers, instead of building their resilience to cope with such shocks. They are being made without national debate, thereby undermining democratic structures.
Lack of transparency in the New Alliance - where donor and corporate commitments and implementation are, as in the Progress Report 2013-14, only reported at summary level - makes it extremely difficult for civil society to get a full picture of the New Alliance implementation.[3] However, first concrete cases indicate that the New Alliance is far from serving as an effective tool to support small-scale farmers. For instance:
This evidence supports our analysis that the New Alliance sidelines the diverse and sustainable food systems of small-scale farmers which offer the real potential for food security and nutrition in Africa. Instead, it promotes environmentally damaging approaches to agriculture that entrench corporate power.
We therefore urge you to review your engagement in the New Alliance, and take the following steps:
GERMANY | Misereor |
Pesticide Action Network | |
FIAN Germany | |
INKOTA-Netzwerk | |
Agrar Koordination | |
Global Policy Forum | |
Seeds Action Network Germanwatch | |
German NGO Forum Environment & Development | |
Brot für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst | |
UK | UK Food Group |
The permaculture association | |
World Development Movement | |
Find Your Feet | |
Farms Not Factories | |
War on Want | |
FIAN group UK | |
Concern Universal | |
Pesticide Action Network | |
Send a Cow | |
ITALY | Terra Nuova |
FIRAB (Fondazione Italiana per la RIcerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica) | |
Crocevia | |
Con.Pro.Bio | |
Comitato Italiano per la Sovranità Alimentare | |
La Gabbianella Coordinamento per il Sostegno a distanza onlus | |
CEFA – Il seme della solidarietà | |
Centro Mondialità Sviluppo Reciproco (CMSR) | |
Forum Permanente delle Associazioni di sostegno a distanza (ForumSad) | |
CNCA | |
M.A.I.S | |
ACU-Associazione Consumatori Utenti | |
Focsiv | |
Rete Cibopertutti -Kumida | |
COCIS - Coordinamento delle Organizzazioni non governative per la Cooperazione Internazionale allo Sviluppo | |
Fondazione Slow Food per la Biodiversità Onlus | |
FRANCE | CCFD-Terre Solidaire |
Action contre la faim France | |
Peuples Solidaires - Action Aid France | |
Avocats et vétérinaires sans frontières (AVSF) | |
Survie | |
Collectif pour la défense des terres malgaches - TANY | |
Artisans du monde - France | |
Centre de Recherches et d'Appui pour les Alternatives de Developpement - Ocean Indien | |
Solidarité | |
FIAN France | |
USA | Oakland Institute |
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy | |
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns | |
The Second Chance Fd | |
Global Policy Forum | |
Food First | |
CAGJ | |
CANADA | Union Paysanne |
National Farmers Union | |
JAPAN | Africa Japan Forum |
No to land grab | |
GCAP Japan | |
Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC) | |
Mura-Machi Net", Network between Village and Town" | |
EU | EuropAfrica |
Corporate Europe Observatory | |
Africa Europe Faith & Justice Network | |
NETHERLANDS | Transnational Institute |
AUSTRIA | FIAN Austria |
Arche Noah | |
BELGIUM | Entraide et Fraternité |
Broederlijk Delen | |
Pan-Africanist International | |
SOS Faim | |
FIAN Belgium | |
CNCD-11.11.11 | |
NORWAY | FIAN Norway |
SWEDEN | FIAN Sweden |
Afrikagrupperna | |
SWITZERLAND | Fastenopfer |
PORTUGAL | FEC - Fundação Fé e Cooperação |
AIDGLOBAL - Action and Integration for Global Development | |
SPAIN | Manos Unidas |
INTERNATIONAL | ActionAid International |
Greenpeace international | |
FIAN International | |
CIDSE ACF International |
[1] Feed the Future, 2012: Five Questions about the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, http://feedthefuture.g......ood-security-and-nutrition
[2] Cameron, David, 2012: „A G8 Meeting that goes back to first principles,
[3] G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, Progress Report 2013-14, http://new-
[4] Oxfam 2014, For Whose Benefit? The G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Burkina Faso.
[5] Government of Malawi, G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition: Malawi: 2014 Annual Progress Report.
[6] De Schutter, Olivier, 2013: Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. Mission to Malawi from 12 to 22 July 2013, End of Mission Statement.
[7] See for instance: Tanzanian Civil Society Statement on Farmer’s Rights 22 March 2013, ; see also: African Center for Biosafety, 2013, Slavishly following UPOV 1991. A critique of Mozambique’s Plant Variety Protection Law,
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