Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation

Thoughts of those who want to live in hope

Butembo 28.01.2025 Jpic-jp.org Translated by: Jpic-jp.org

The only limit to how high we can go is how high we believe we can climb. ‘Strength does not come from victory. Your struggles develop your strength. When you go through difficulties and decide not to give up - that is strength' (Mahatma Gandhi)

First: Know the 10 Commandments to fail (Donald R. Keough). So, leave these behaviours

  • Stop taking risks.
  • Be inflexible.
  • Seek to isolate yourself.
  • Convince yourself of being infallible.
  • Play on the edge of the rules.
  • Don't waste time reflecting.
  • Place all your trust in experts and external consultants.
  • Love bureaucracy.
  • Fear the future.
  • Lose passion for work and life.

Second: Have faith in life

  • Those who say something is impossible should not disturb those who are doing it.
  • Fortune favours the bold; the lazy hinder themselves.
  • Luck doesn’t exist: it’s the moment when talent meets opportunity.
  • When you move towards your goals, nothing can stop you.
  • Think like a man of action and act like a man of thought (Henri Louis Bergson).
  • If you find a path without obstacles, it probably leads nowhere (R. Boyle).
  • The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today (H. Jackson Brown Jr.).
  • Even the struggle towards the summit is enough to fill a man’s heart (Albert Camus).
  • Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today (James Dean).
  • Look far ahead, and when you think you’ve looked far enough, look even further (R. Baden-Powell).

Third: Don’t give up in tough times

  • Sometimes a winner is just a dreamer who never gave up.
  • There’s always a better path; your goal is to find it.
  • Perhaps there’s something worse than faded dreams: losing the will to dream again.
  • Right decisions come from experience, and experience comes from wrong decisions.
  • You’ve never truly failed as long as you keep trying.
  • Every event in life has no meaning except the one you give it.
  • When everything seems against you, remember: planes take off against the wind, not with the wind in their favour.
  • My life philosophy is that challenges vanish in the face of courage (Isaac Asimov).
  • The night is never darker than just before dawn, but then dawn rises to dispel the darkness (Romano Battaglia).
  • When faced with an obstacle, the shortest distance between two points may be a curved line (Bertolt Brecht).

Fourth: Focus on the goal

  • Success is a journey, not a destination.
  • Belief in success is the foundation for achieving it.
  • Sooner or later, those who win are those who believe they can do it (Richard Bach).
  • Anything worth doing is worth doing well (Philip Chesterfield).
  • The reward for a job well done is having done it (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
  • The real secret to success is motivation (Walter Chrysler).
  • Nothing magnificent was ever achieved but by someone who dared to believe that there was something within them greater than circumstances (Bruce Barton).
  • True success is the ability to move from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm (Winston Churchill).
  • Every time you see a successful venture, know that someone once made a bold decision (Peter F. Drucker).
  • People forget how quickly you did a job, but they always remember how well you did it (Howard W. Newton).

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