Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation

Blood and Tears of South Sudanese Women

CC. Ufficio dell'Alto Commissariato dell'UNHCR 16.08.2024 Innocent Queency Rappresentante delle donne sopravvissute Translated by: Jpic-jp.org

I am reaching out to share a collection of stories that sheds light on the deeply disturbing incidents of mistreatment and crimes occurring under the umbrella of the UN in South Sudan specifically focusing on the suffering of South Sudanese women. This harrowing collection, titled "Blood and Tears of South Sudanese Women: Victims of UN Misdeeds," uncovers the unspeakable crimes and abuses experienced by these women, some of which involve UNHCR staff member Mr. E. S. N. U.

These stories reveal a troubling side of humanitarian work in South Sudan, where vulnerable women who seek refuge and support find themselves victimized and subjected to violence, exploitation, and other unthinkable acts. By exposing these atrocities, we hope to shed light on the urgent need for accountability and systemic change within the UN system.
This collection of stories serves to uncover specific incidents and does not seek to tarnish the reputation of the entire UNHCR or its dedicated staff members. However, the purpose is to bring awareness to the fact that even within organizations that strive to promote safety and security, there exist individuals who betray the trust placed in them, causing immeasurable harm and perpetuating the very suffering they are meant to alleviate.

It is important to approach these stories with sensitivity and due diligence in verifying the allegations presented. We believe that it is crucial to provide a platform for the victims to share their experiences while respecting their dignity and privacy.

South Sudan has been plagued by unimaginable horrors, and amidst these atrocities, one name stands out in infamy – E. S. A staff member of the UNHCR, he is not only a rapist and murderer but also the leader of a criminal gang wreaking havoc on the lives of innocent South Sudanese women and children. What makes this situation even more distressing is the fact that he operates under the cover of an international organization that is meant to protect and provide assistance.

Using his position as a Senior Human Resource Officer, E. S. cunningly lures young women into his trap by promising them employment with the UNHCR. Many lives have silently been lost at the hands of Edwin and his gang, yet when the UNHCR authorities were alerted about this monstrous individual, they turned a deaf ear, allowing him to continue his reign of terror.

The list of atrocities committed by E.'s group is horrifyingly long, including murder, gang rape, and armed robberies. Not only do they operate under the protection of the UN staff, but they also enjoy the backing of some corrupt government officials who seem to be actively working against peace in South Sudan. Adding to this web of corruption is E. S.'s brother, E. P. S., a member of the South Sudan Judiciary system, who actively shields the gang members from arrest or imprisonment.

One cannot fathom the depths of E.'s depravity. He was imprisoned in Juba on December 23rd, 2020, for the mistreatment, torture, and murder of his ex-wife and daughter. Heartbreakingly, their grieving parents do not know where their daughter's body was laid to rest. However, using his status as a UNHCR staff member and the influence of his brother E., E. managed to buy his way out of prison.

In yet another gut-wrenching incident, E. drugged and raped a female colleague during a party organized in the UNHCR office. In a desperate attempt to cover up his heinous act, he tried to force the woman to abort the resulting pregnancy, resorting to threats to silence her. When she refused to comply, E.'s gang invaded her home under the cover of darkness, subjecting her to a brutal gang rape and leaving her body scarred with machete wounds. Only the intervention of horrified neighbors saved her from an even worse fate.

The ripple effect of E.'s depravity extends far beyond his immediate victims. One grieving brother, unable to bear the public humiliation and assault of his sister, tragically took his own life.

This monstrous UNHCR staff member has unleashed unfathomable pain upon the women of South Sudan, leaving us questioning whether the UN is truly here to help us or if it has become an instrument of destruction.

Our tears flow ceaselessly, our sleep is haunted by nightmares, and our hearts ache for the countless South Sudanese girls who have fallen victim to these despicable gang groups, operating under the guise of a benevolent organization. It is imperative that the UNHCR thoroughly investigate these claims, hold E. S. accountable for his crimes, and ensure that justice is served for every innocent life that has been taken or shattered.

We, the women of South Sudan, demand justice and protection from the very agency that was established to safeguard our rights. May our collective voices, united in grief and determination, rise above the pain and suffering endured under the banner of the UNHCR. Let our voices resonate across the globe, so that the blood and tears of South Sudanese women may no longer be ignored.

Testimonies of Victims: Unraveling the Horrors of E. and His Gang: The stories shared by M. and N. illuminate the dark and twisted reality that countless South Sudanese women have endured at the hands of E. S. and his gang. These testimonies are haunting and offer a glimpse into the traumatic experiences suffered by these brave survivors.

M., a victim of sexual assault, initially crossed paths with E. while working as a cleaner at the UNHCR office. Trusting his recommendations, she followed his instructions to collect interview questionnaires from a hotel. Little did she know that this act of blind trust would lead to a horrific ordeal. E., demanding sexual favors in exchange for the documents, resorted to drugging her to achieve his gruesome objective. Regaining consciousness hours later, M. found herself bruised, wounded, and violated. The extent of her physical and emotional pain was unimaginable, resulting in the removal of her damaged womb. Fearful for her family's safety, she chose to conceal the identity of her rapists, living with the trauma and the burden of her secret.

N., another survivor, tells a story of manipulation and exploitation. Desperate for a job, she sought E.'s assistance after being shortlisted for an interview. Excited to have a chance at employment, she agreed to his demands for personal favors. The consequences of this choice were devastating. N. became pregnant, only to be coerced into undergoing an abortion. The physical toll was high, resulting in the loss of her womb. What added insult to injury was E.'s false promise of marriage, leading her on for two years before revealing his intention to marry another woman. Humiliated and disgraced publicly, N.'s life unraveled further. Tragically, her brother, driven to despair by the gang's relentless torment, succumbed to suicide after suffering torture at their hands.

In addition to these harrowing accounts, it is alleged that E. dabbles in witchcraft and uses it as a means to deceive and control women. His dark practices and manipulative tactics further highlight the diabolical nature of this dangerous individual.

The immense pain and trauma endured by M., N., and numerous other victims cannot be erased or forgotten. These courageous women have chosen to shed light on the gruesome crimes committed by E. and his gang, bringing attention to the urgent need for justice and protection for the vulnerable in South Sudan. Their stories unveil the true face of evil and demand that accountability be established, not only for E., but for all those who have enabled his atrocities to persist.

May their testimonies serve as a pivotal moment, igniting a collective determination to root out the evil that threatens the lives and well-being of South Sudanese women. The UNHCR must conduct a thorough investigation, hold Edwin Saniki accountable for his heinous acts, and ensure the safety and protection of all vulnerable individuals in their care. Let their voices of resilience and defiance be heard, breaking the chains of fear, and paving the way for justice and healing.

For further information, contact Ms. Innocent Queency Survivors' Women Representative iqueency1@gmail.com

Disclaim. Publishing these stories will not only expose the truth of these horrendous acts but also serve as a catalyst for necessary discussions and reforms within the UN, ensuring the safety and protection of vulnerable individuals. By amplifying the voices of these South Sudanese women, their publication can contribute to the global conversation on ensuring accountability and protecting those who seek refuge and support in humanitarian settings. It is not possible for us to check the reliability of this account, so we have replaced the names with acronyms. However, the three attached documents, which come from the UN office itself, rule out any doubt as to the general consistency of these accusations.

See also, UNHCR: Heightened risks, violations and sexual violence reported by civilians fleeing Sudan, and also South Sudan: ‘hellish existence’ for women and girls, new UN report reveals and

Conflict-related sexual violence against women and girls in South Sudan

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