This website is published in English, Chinese, French and Spanish. Unfortunately, the four versions do not always match, but give priority to the topics concerning each of the three languages. Despite this limitation, this website is full of news and tools for counteracting Land Grabbing, social issues and human rights news. An archive provides the previous publications. Global Witness website is specialized in land, environment and human rights connected to land and investment. It treats topics concerning corporations and governments, and their impact on the environment and human rights. Even if its focus is not on land grabbing, you can find many cases of the phenomenon. Therefore, we consider the website trustworthy (Andrea Lanari)
Self-presentation can be found at Global Witness web site, section About us.
At Global Witness, we protect human rights and the environment by fearlessly confronting corruption and challenging the systems that enable it.
We want a better world - where corruption is challenged and accountability prevails, all can thrive within the planet’s boundaries, and governments act in the public interest.
When founded in 1993, we were pioneers in seeing the link between natural resources, conflict and corruption. Since our very first campaign to shut down the Khmer Rouge’s illegal logging industry we’ve uncovered the truth about blood diamonds and helped bring trillions of oil, gas and mining revenues into the open.
We’ve shone a spotlight on the brutal killings of those defending their land from forced seizure by corporations and governments alike, campaigned for an end to the use of anonymous companies, and much more.
How We Work
We have always been bold and innovative in the way we work. We make a point of taking a stand against individuals, governments and companies who benefit from corruption that drives environmental and human rights abuses around the world.
Our investigations are known for their meticulous attention to detail and are months and sometimes years in the making. Moreover, we use an ever-evolving variety of skills and techniques to uncover evidence including:
- Secret filming: for a 2016 investigation we went undercover in New York to reveal the role lawyers can play in discussing how potential clients could move suspect money
- Satellite imagery and drone footage: we have used these tools to expose illegal logging in Papua New Guinea and talc mines funding the Taliban in Afghanistan
- Data analysis: working with partners like Open Corporates we have used artificial intelligence and cloud computing to analyse the real owners behind UK companies
- Anonymous sources: Many reports including Hostile Takeover (Cambodia) and River of Gold (DRC) start with tip-offs from anonymous sources, who take risks to share information with us. We are always vigilant in protecting their identities to keep them safe