Self-presentation can be found at IAMO Website, section Institute – Mission Statement.
Mission Statement
The Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) performs basic and applied research in the agricultural and food sector as well as rural areas of the formerly centrally planned economies of Europe and Asia against the context of international developments. This research approach is unique worldwide. The institute makes a significant contribution to describing and improving the living conditions of the people and the economic development of these regions. Based on research results, the staff develops recommendations for sustainable development in the agricultural and food sector and for promoting rural areas, which are worth living in and vibrant.
The guiding principles of the research are academic originality and societal relevance. The institute's research activities are supported by renowned research funding institutes and are integrated with national and international research networks. Research findings are published in recognized academic journals, and discussed at international scientific conferences. IAMO does not just direct its research at the scientific community, but also to political and business policy makers and the public. A wide circle of interested parties is informed about current scientific knowledge through various media channels. Through reports and consulting services, the institute contributes to the formation of political will on current political and economic matters at the national and international level.
The institute utilizes its competencies for the qualification of young academics, especially in the partner countries. Key principles which guide the institute's work include flat hierarchies and exceptional support for the independent research of young academics with systematic guidance and support of upcoming graduates. IAMO strengthens the position of Halle as a center of science and Leibniz as a brand, thanks to its international focus and partnerships with other teaching and research institutes - in particular the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU).
The research and knowledge transfer activities are sustained by the institute's international and multicultural staff. Strategic orientation and research management take place with the involvement of staff competencies in cooperation with the internationally staffed scientific advisory board of IAMO. Research programs are updated on a regular basis, allowing for goal-oriented and independent work in project groups as well as a problem-oriented strategic focus directed at the target audience.
In keeping with the mission statement of the Leibniz Association, the quality and results of the work performed are ensured through regular internal and external evaluations. The IAMO is committed to complying with national and international standards of training young academics, good scientific practices and quality assurance. IAMO creates an environment marked by creativity and competition. The work environment is characterized by personal integrity, tolerance and fairness in dealing with one another. The institute puts equal opportunities for women and men into practice, implements measures to ensure the compatibility of family and career, and offers attractive working conditions.